
Scholarships at Saurya College are offered in FOUR categories as listed below:

  1. SUPER SAURYA : (40 Limited Seats)

SUPER SAURYA is the highest form of award given by Saurya college to outstanding students who must have acquired A+ in SLC. The students eligible for SUPER SAURYA award are provided 100% scholarship on both Admission Fee and Tuition Fee.

  1. DYNAMITE: (20 Limited Seats)

DYNAMITE scholarship is given to students who are exceptionally good at various ECAs (Extra-Curricular Activities). The scholars receive up to 75% scholarship on both Tuition and Admission fees.

  1. KINTH: (20 Limited Seats)

KINTH scholarship is eligible to students who are exceptionally good at particular sports or are part of the national team.They are given up to 75% scholarship on both Tuition and Admission fees.

  1. AASHA: (20 Limited Seats)

Acknowledging the high percentage of needy population in our country, Saurya college has decided to give 100% scholarship on both Tuition and Admission fees for 20 needy students.


The students interested to apply for scholarship at Saurya must appear in Scholarship Examination on the day of Entrance Examination. Please go to ‘How to Apply’ section for the details of the key dates.


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